Movie Review

The Amityville Curse (1990)

Part of the Amityville Horror series

The fifth Amityville horror film and the first one to not take place in THE Amityville house, just AN Amityville house. That is, just a house in the same town as the horror house. The new house does have a similar backstory to the original house. Just like Ronald DeFeo Jr. shot his family with a shotgun (which happened in reality), someone shots a Catholic priest in a confession booth in this house, and as we know, if there is something that creates evil spirits, it’s dead catholic priests.

Twelve years later, a Canadian of Larry Drake (COLD) buys the house and invites his friend for a sleepover. Not a good idea. The former homeowners left all the furniture. “Maybe they were superstitious?” COLD remarks like that is in some way an answer to why they left all the furniture.

Maybe they left the furniture because they experienced the same ungodly terrors as COLD and his friends. Terrors like: really hot showers, spooky sounds, mild earthquakes, mysterious smoke, loss of electricity, ugly sweaters worn by COLD, a door opening dog, bad layering of clothes by COLD, and so on.

The film is a Canadian straight-to-video fair and to say it’s bland is an understatement. It is mostly just people being a bit scared, well, until the last 10 minutes or so when we get some blood and pretty nifty facial prosthetics on the dude from Sons of Anarchy.

Out of all the original Amityville, this one is probably the worst and the least memorable one. I mean, it doesn’t even take place in the god damn house. The “it’s the town name” loophole isn’t good enough. The others all had some kind of hook that made them special; an evil clock, an evil lamp, an evil mirror, an evil doll house or an evil Meg Ryan. This has nothing.

Incidentally, when searching IMDb for the flick, I saw that there is a new Amityville film that just came out two months ago. It’s also called The Amityville Curse, it’s also straight-to-video and it’s also from Canada.

After I typed in the last paragraph, I decided to check what it was about.

It’s a remake of this film. At least, it has the same plot and appears to be based on the same book.

May God have mercy on our souls.

The Amityville Curse (1990)
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