SyFy's Maneater Film Series

About the maneater series

What is it?

The Maneater series was a bunch of made-for-TV films aired on the SyFy Channel from 2007 to 2015. The films are not connected in anyway except that each one has a monster of some sort.

What monsters were featured in the Maneater series?

There were 26 different monsters in the films. 

Cryptids: Aliens, gargoyles, the Jersey Devil, a behemoth, a roc, swamp monster, a wyvern, a yeti, a random sea monster and some kind of tree thing. 
Animals: Ants, tiger, sharks (3 times), squid, grizzly bear, vipers, monkeys, worms, spiders, wolves, wasps.

Are the Maneater films worth watching?

If you like cheap SyFy films then sure. There can be entertainment found in most of them. My ratings go from 3 stars to 0.5 stars. Average rating being 1.6, which is not great, however, these are cheap schlock films so what do you expect?

I rated 6 of the 28 films fresh on Rotten Tomatoes. Most of these films didn’t even have a critic review before I posted them, so that’s something.

I’ve sorted the films below by rating, highest to lowest. 

rated fresh

Wyvern (2009)
Wyvern (2009)
Sea Beast (2008)
Sea Beast (2008)
Eye of the Beast (2007)
Eye of the Beast (2007)
Scarecrow (2013)
Scarecrow (2013)
High Plains Invaders (2009)
High Plains Invaders (2009)
Carny (2009)
Carny (2009)

rated Rotten

Reviews by series

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Reviews by categories

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