Subspecies is a vampire film series directed by Ted Nicolaou, produced by Charles Band’s Full Moon Studios. It includes five Subspecies films, four which tell the story of the vampire Radu and his obsession with the bloodstone and the beautiful Michelle and one prequel about how he became what he is. The series also has a spin-off film, Vampire Journals, that expands on the series’ vampire lore.
Do I need to watch the Subspecies films in order?
Bloodstone: Subspecies II (1993), Bloodlust: Subspecies III (1994) and Subspecies 4: Bloodstorm (1998) are all direct sequels, so they start where the previous one ended. Subspecies V: Blood Rise (2023) is a prequel to Subspecies (1991), while Vampire Journals (1997) is not really connected to the other films, aside from one vampire that makes an appearance in Bloodstorm.
What Subspecies films are worth watching?
The first three and the Blood Rise. Vampire Journals and Bloodlust are pretty bad.