Corin Nemec, the poor man’s Eric Stoltz, runs a small fishing operation in a small fishing town. On one expedition, the ship is attacked by a humanoid creature, a troglodyte, which kills one of his crewmen. That doesn’t help his money problems and neither does the fact that the troglodyte followed him home and is now terrorizing the small town.
The troglodyte is a viscous human killer and a predator. And by predator, I mean he has the same cloaking ability as the predator from the film series Predator, only on a lower budget, and it hunts mostly in the woods, stalking its prey high upon tree branches. Unlike the predator, it has babies and if it bites you, you get a nasty infection which you ignore because you are dumb.

Don’t worry, it also borrows heavily from a little film called Jaws.
The creature and its spawns are cool and look quite good, even though the special effects were obviously done cheap. The actors are competent, while the editing and direction are sub-par. It’s as entertaining as it could be, really.