Movie Review

The Hollow (2015)

Part of the Maneater series

The Hollow is the last Maneater film. Number 28th and as of this review, I’m a member of the distinguished club of people that have reviewed every single one of them. Since I’ve started, the average number of critic’s reviews on Rotten Tomatoes for the films in the series has skyrocketed to 1.05. Yeah, I might be the only one in this club.

Does this SyFy series that spanned 9 years and 26 different types of maneaters end on a high note? Of course not. It starts with that blue filter all cheap horror films had post-The Ring remake in the 2000s. Half-way through editing someone realized that the year was 2015 and they just stopped color grading it like that.

The Hollow (2015)

It’s about three sisters. The youngest watched as their parents burned alive inside a car. Now that’s a backstory. The girls spend some time in the woods being chased by an evil Groot that is on fire and then end up in a town with three bad boys, including emo Peter Parker. The boys are the only ones still alive. The evil Groot has decimated the town folk.

Okay, to call it evil Groot is a jerk move. The creature is actually pretty cool. It’s like a humanoid entangled vines with lava inside of it. It works, the other stuff doesn’t. The acting and production are okay for the most part, it just never really becomes interesting.

The Hollow (2015)
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